Our Road Trip Planner and Toolkit uses a tried and tested formula to get you ready in half the time.

Have a Wonderful Adventure Without the Stress
The Road Trip Planner and Toolkit brings you digital products to make your road trip happen. Read the Road Trip Handbook and plan exactly what you need (and nothing that you don’t) with the range of printable downloads.
It’s the art of making life easier.
What You’ll Get
The Road Trip Planner is a combination of printable planning sheets and a 5000 word eBook on planning the perfect road trip anywhere in the world. It’s a digital product and will be delivered within an hour of purchase.
It contains the signature travel planning formula to blitz through your to-do lists and overwhelm and get your focus back where it belongs: on enjoying your trip.
Save Time
Whether you DIY the whole trip or book through an agent, this Road Trip Planning Process will save you an average of 30 hours planning time, 17 emails, 16 website visits and countless “where did I put that” moments.
Find Freedom
Road trips are built around a sense of a freedom- this planning process will give it to you. You’re not hemmed in by minute-by-minute schedules but instead learn to take care of the basics so that you can enjoy the open road.
Have a Richer Experience
Move beyond the standard tourist trails and enrich your trip with authentic interactions and off the beaten track discoveries.
Stay Safe
As a former doctor, safety is a strong concern of mine. Includes what you need to know to stay safe on the road.
What’s Inside
Look inside the different components of the Road Trip Planner and Toolkit ©…
1. The Handbook: Over 5000 words and graphics to walk you through the key components of planning a road trip anywhere in the world. Learn the secret “Dr Drake” formula and save hours and hours of time.
2. The Printable Planning Sheets: Stay organised and on top of your tasks with these printable planning sheets. We’ve thought of everything from snacks to a car rental checklist to where to store your parking details.
3. Stories From the Road: Add some inspiration to your planning with these stories from the road. Download narratives that take you from Africa to South America, through the snowy mountains of Austria and across the United States.
Bonus 1: The Travel Planning Formula
Plan your trip in half the time with this signature travel planning formula that I’ve used all across the globe.
Video and PDF guide to make your planning process razor sharp and faff resistant.
Bonus 2: Overview Cheat Sheet
There’s a lot of information in here. This bonus one page cheat sheet makes it easy for you to find what you need when.
About us
Over 10 Tears of Experience and Support
Hi there, I’m Abi
Today, I’m a full time travel writer and author with work published by National Geographic Traveler and a travel blog that Lonely Planet called “one of the best in the world.”
I’ve travelled to over 60 countries and I love a good road trip!
Abigail King
How Much is Your Time Worth?
If you billed the time you spend travel planning, studies suggest that planning errors could cost you as much as $2500 in hourly fees alone. Not to mention any expensive mistakes you make along the way.
You deserve to plan a great trip for less!
These planners streamline your planning with focus and clarity, freeing you up to travel more (or just scroll through instagram or whatever, there’s no judging here.)
Is this a paper product?
Nope! This is 100% digital, meaning that you can download and use it right away. You can print out the worksheets and planning pages that you need and leave those you don’t. Better for the environment, quicker for you.
What’s the order time?
These are digital products and so will reach your inbox anywhere between five and fifty minutes. The webinar masterclass takes place approximately once a month, so it will depend when in the cycle you join.
Will this work for family road trips?
YES! I’ve travelled through Greece, Louisiana, Massachusetts, England, Wales and Florida with baby and then toddler Lab. I know the realities of a family road trip very well!
I’m planning a solo road trip. Will this work for me?
Yes, absolutely! The planning process is the same and the Handbook specifically has a section for solo travel. I’ve driven across Morocco, Australia and Austria on my own and so I know what it’s like.
What’s the refund policy?
As the Road Trip Planner is full of digital downloads, we can’t offer a refund policy on this. Please look closely at the contents before you buy.
Can I edit the downloads?
If you have Adobe Creative Suite membership, you can edit the PDF files. However, you won’t be able to edit them within usual word processing software like Google Docs or Word. If this is a feature you would like, please email abi@insidethetravellab.com We are always looking to improve our products.
The best time is now
Don’t put it off any longer. Get ready to hit the road!
Just think where you could be with this time saving formula.
With friends on Route 66? Family in California? Or all alone heading into the jungles of Thailand, the sands of the Sahara or the snowy peaks of Europe?
It’s time to give yourself the best chance and get things done so that you can get out and go.