The Best Sustainable Travel Blogs for 2022

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Make better choices and stay entertained with our collection of the best sustainable travel blogs for 2022.

See also, how to be a responsible tourist and why everyone benefits from sustainable tourism.

Best sustainable travel blogs cover


Well, this year is off to a great start! I am thrilled to learn that my work on Inside the Travel Lab is nominated for the prestigious Trav Media Influencer of the Year Award for 2022. Genuinely, thrilled!

But it got me thinking. After more than a decade in the business, I still haven’t published my list of the best sustainable travel blogs around. And while sustainability is part and parcel of who we are and what we do here, it’s a big old world with plenty more to learn. 

So, do check out our articles on responsible tourism  and mull over how our travel habits can have a positive impact on the planet and local communities. But also, enjoy these other talented sustainable travel bloggers with this list of the best eco-friendly travel blogs. 

Reading newspapers in the dead sea in Jordan - an amazing thing to do in Jordan

If you’re not interested in any other travel blogs because you’re already head over heels in love with mine (smooch!) then forget about this and receive a simple thank you from me.

Otherwise, read on.

The Top Eco-Friendly TRAVEL BLOGS

Green Global Travel Blog Logo - Best Sustainable Travel Blogs

Green Global Travel

‘“Saving the world, one story at a time,” seems like an outlandishly ambitious goal for a travel blog,’ wrote Mary and Bret on Green Global Travel.

“But when we began planning Green Global Travel in the jungle of Costa Rica’s Tortuguero National Park in 2010, we knew we wanted to focus on spreading the sustainable philosophies of ecotourism and conservation.”

Pioneered by Mary and Bret, Green Global Travel has been the mighty battleship of sustainable travel blogs for at least a decade. 

A Dangerous Business Home Page for Best Sustainable Travel Blogs

A Dangerous Business

Armed with a journalism degree and a master’s degree in hospitality and tourism management, Amanda writes with formidable force. And humour. 

Based in Cleveland, USA, she writes and runs A Dangerous Business,  a travel blog that covers the world through a sustainable travel lens. 

Juliet Kinsman Conde Nast Sustainable Travel Column

Conde Nast Traveller – Juliet Kinsman

We can get into a debate about whether the work from Condé Nast Traveller’s Juliet Kinsman qualifies as a blog or more of a regular column from a traditional media outlet if we like… But that would be a big waste of energy. 

Kinsman tackles every day travel conundrums hand in hand with the challenge of climate change and the double edged sword that is the travel industry. 

What is sustainable travel anyway?

What is the difference between green travel and eco travel? Sustainable travel and environmentally friendly travel? Responsible travel and slow travel? Is everything about the environment or do people matter as well? What about carbon footprints and saving the whale?

 Here’s your guide to what sustainable travel means.

Borders of Adventure - responsible travel blogger

Borders of Adventure

Becki Enright at Borders of Adventure always wants to dig a little deeper when she travels the world. Her focus on responsible tourism drills down into the ins and outs of individual tours and the impact of popular activities. Want to visit the beach from The Beach? Considering riding an elephant or visiting an orphanage? Becki’s responsible travel section examines the reality of those choices. 

Lily Lebawit Girma Sunshine and Stilettos

Sunshine and Stilettos 

Lily Lebawit Girma is a busy woman. In between her full time position as Global Tourism Reporter for Skift, she also runs the website See the Caribbean and her own responsible travel blog, Sunshine and Stilettos. Take a look…

  • Introducing a green travel code for the Caribbean.
The Shooting Star - Shivya Nath - Responsible travel blogger

The Shooting Star

Sustainable travel blogger Shivya Nath conveys her message through a kind of poetry. She grew up at the base of the Himalayas before moving to Singapore to study. After a brief foray into the corporate world, she went on to tackle the real one, travelling sustainably as she went.

Lola Akinmade Geotraveler's Niche Responsible Traveller

Geotraveler’s Niche

Lola Akinmade’s Geotraveler’s Niche isn’t your typical sustainable travel blog (whatever that means.) Akinmade is a powerhouse: an author, photographer, journalist and blogger. But at the heart of her work is her interest in and focus on people, the very heart of sustainable travel. 

Atlas and Boots great sustainable travel blog

Atlas and Boots

British duo Peter Watson and Kia Abdullah climb every mountain, ford every stream and take amazing photos as they go. Kia also writes legal thrillers in her spare time. 

When it comes to travelling sustainably, they don’t hold back from debate. 

So how about you? Which sustainable travel blogs do you read?

Looking for more on the topic? Don’t miss our article on five ways travel helps to save the world: rethinking Earth Day Or these sustainable beach tips.

Bookmark this collection of sustainable travel blogs on Pinterest for later.

Best sustainable travel blogs cover
Lighthouse in Wales - Best eco friendly travel blogs cover

More on Sustainable Travel

Read more sustainable travel tips and articles below:

20 thoughts on “The Best Sustainable Travel Blogs for 2022”

  1. Hey Chris, it’s certainly an interesting idea. And very useful for some situations (mainly weeding out bloggers who have one or two viral posts that aren’t really related much to their work.) Of course, it’s not only eyeballs that destinations and businesses need to worry about, it’s eyeballs AND a targeted audience in the right frame of mind. I’ve just had a quick glance at your site and you do seem to tackle the strengths and weaknesses of the approach (we both know that nothing’s perfect!) So, when I get a chance, I’m going to delve into this a little more. Really interesting work. Thank you.

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